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Book Now Available: New Directions in Assessing Historical Thinking

The new book edited by Dr. Kadriye Ercikan and Dr. Peter Seixas is now available from the Routledge website. For this volume, Kadriye Ercikan and Peter Seixas have assembled an international array of experts whose various approaches negotiate the demands of theoretical sophistication, empirically demonstrated validity and practical efficiency.   Key issues include articulating the cognitive […]
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Prof. Ercikan nominated for the Royal Society of Canada

Professor Ercikan has been nominated for Fellowship in the Royal Society of Canada (RSC). According to the RSC website, Fellows are “Canadian scholars, artists, and scientists, peer-elected as the best in their field. The fellowship of the RSC comprises distinguished men and women from all branches of learning who have made remarkable contributions in the […]
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Keep in touch or find out more about MERM

To keep in touch or find out more about MERM (the Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology program) at UBC, check out the MERM Facebook page, or refer to the MERM program page.
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2014 Graduates: Stephanie, Dallie, and Raman, you did it!

Three members of CARME have successfully defended their theses: Raman Grover – Doctor of Philosophy, MERM Dallie Sandilands – Doctor of Philosophy, MERM Stephanie McKeown – Doctor of Philosophy, MERM Congratulations! We are so proud of you, and inspired by your exemplary work. Look forward to continuing to collaborate with all of you in the […]
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One Hour Test on Historical Thinking

While it was designed as a research instrument to explore the choosing and editing of document excerpts, the construction of questions, scoring, and the validation of score interpretation, we are posting it here as a model of a one hour test that could be replicated using other substantive historical topics, and, with somewhat more labour, […]
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Congrats to Shawna for completing her MA and commencing PhD

      Congratulations to Shawna Goodrich, who has successfully defended her MA dissertation in Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology in December 2013 and began her MERM PhD program. Shawna will continue her studies under the supervision of Dr. Kadriye Ercikan.  
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Congratulations to Juliette on her thesis defense!

Juliette Lyons-Thomas successfully defended her doctoral thesis on March 24, 2014. To celebrate Juliette’s accomplishment, Dallie and her husband hosted a party in their home. The food was delicious! Above are some pictures from the party.
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CARME lab members presenting at AERA 2014

Professor Ercikan and a number of CARME lab members are presenting papers at AERA 2014 in Philadelphia. Please check the schedule or get in touch with us if you would like to attend one or more of our presentations! AERA 2014 Annual Meeting
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Dr. Ercikan voted vice-president elect of Division D of AERA

Kadriye Ercikan, director of CARME, was recently voted vice-president elect of Division D for AERA. Professor Ercikan will join AERA’s 2015–2016 Council at the conclusion of the 2015 Annual Meeting, and will serve a 3 year term. Congratulations, Kadriye! http://www.aera.net/Newsroom/NewsReleasesandStatements/JeannieOakesVotedAERAPresident-Elect;OtherKeyMembersElectedtoAERACouncil/tabid/15412/Default.aspx
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<h3 class="widget-title">Latest posts</h3>
    <li><a href='https://carme-educ.sites.olt.ubc.ca/2015/11/25/select-publications/' aria-current="page">Select Publications</a></li><li><a href='https://carme-educ.sites.olt.ubc.ca/2015/01/27/book-now-available-new-directions-in-assessing-historical-thinking/'>Book Now Available: New Directions in Assessing Historical Thinking</a></li><li><a href='https://carme-educ.sites.olt.ubc.ca/2015/01/03/prof-ercikan-nominated-for-the-royal-society-of-canada/'>Prof. Ercikan nominated for the Royal Society of Canada</a></li><li><a href='https://carme-educ.sites.olt.ubc.ca/2015/01/03/merm-resources/'>Keep in touch or find out more about MERM</a></li><li><a href='https://carme-educ.sites.olt.ubc.ca/2014/10/10/2014-graduates-stephanie-dallie-and-raman/'>2014 Graduates: Stephanie, Dallie, and Raman, you did it!</a></li><li><a href='https://carme-educ.sites.olt.ubc.ca/2014/10/10/historical-thinking-test/'>One Hour Test on Historical Thinking</a></li><li><a href='https://carme-educ.sites.olt.ubc.ca/2014/05/16/congrats-to-shawna-for-completing-her-ma-and-commencing-phd/'>Congrats to Shawna for completing her MA and commencing PhD</a></li>
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Welcome to the Cross-Cultural Assessment and Research Methods in Education (CARME) research unit. Dr. Ercikan established CARME in 2000.

CARME lab members have completed undergraduate and graduate studies in Education, Psychology, and Sciences and come from various educational backgrounds. Under the supervision of Dr. Ercikan, CARME student members actively collaborate on research projects that typically lead to publications and conference presentations.

In addition to graduate student members, we have ongoing collaborations with faculty members from within UBC as well as across the world.

If you are interested in getting involved with any of our research projects, either as a student lab member or visiting scholar, please feel free to contact Professor Ercikan.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2125 Main Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada