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Mustafa Asil

Mustafa Asil is a research fellow at the Educational Assessment Research Unit (EARU) within the College of Education at The University of Otago. He is responsible for providing research and psychometric support to the National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA) Project. Previously, Mustafa was a post-doctoral research fellow at the Quantitative Data Analysis and Research (Quant-DARE) Unit within the Faculty of Education at the University of Auckland. His role was managing and performing secondary analyses on large-scale data sets and providing consultation services to staff and students on statistical matters. During 2010-2011, he spent some time as a post-doctoral vising scholar in the Cross-Cultural Assessment and Research Methods in Education (CARME) lab at the University of British Columbia (UBC).

Mustafa is a psychometrician and a quantitative data analyst with a strong research interest in comparability of large scale assessments across languages and cultures, and measurement equivalence/invariance.

Lindsay Gibson

Lindsay is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Centre for the Study of Historical Consciousness in the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at the University of British Columbia, and also works as a member of the Instructional Leadership Team in School District #23 (Kelowna, British Columbia) were he previously taught secondary school history and social studies for eleven years. Lindsay writes and edits history teaching resources for the Critical Thinking Consortium (TC2) http://www.tc2.ca/ and was recently invited to become a member of the Executive Committee of the Historical Thinking Project http://historicalthinking.ca/ after working with the project since 2008.

Raman Grover

ramanRaman Grover is a self-employed psychometrician in the Vancouver area assisting clients with licensure and certification exam development and evaluation.  He earned his PhD in Measurement, Evaluation and Research Methodology from the University of British Columbia under the guidance of Professor Kadriye Ercikan. Prior to doctoral training he completed his M.A. degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Minnesota State University. Raman’s research interests are primarily in bias and fairness issues in testing.

Kristen Huff

Kristen Huff (Ed.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst) is the Senior Fellow for Assessment at the Regents Research Fund, a not-for-profit policy and research center dedicated to educational reform. Kristen is responsible for advising New York State education leaders on all aspects of assessment design and validation, serves as the New York representative on the PARCC Leadership Team, and is Chair of the PARCC Psychometrics and Research Committee. Kristen’s primary professional interest is integrating evidence-centered design theory and practice into large-scale assessment to ensure that what is valued in student learning is measured on exams and communicated through instructionally relevant score reports. Kristen is the 2013 Program Chair for the AERA Cognition and Assessment Special Interest Group, Co-Chair of the NCME Committee on Assessment Practice and Policy, is on the editorial boards of Applied Measurement in Education and the Journal of Applied Testing Technology, and reviews for Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice  and Educational Assessment. In 2009 Kristen served as President of the Northeast Education Research Association; in 2008 she was the AERA Division D Program Committee Co-Chair. She has attended AERA since 1995 and has served as a reviewer, chair, discussant, or presenter every year since 1999. Kristen holds a B.A. and M.Ed. from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro; her doctoral degree is in educational measurement, research and evaluation.

Juliette Lyons-Thomas


Juliette Lyons-Thomas is a Fellow at the Regents Research Fund. She received her Ph.D. from the Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology program at the University of British Columbia. Her research interests include the use of think aloud protocols for validation of assessments of complex thinking, policy-related issues in education, and cross-cultural and cross-lingual assessment. She received her B.Sc. (Psychology) from McGill and her M.A. (Educational Psychology, specializing in Psychological Measurement and Evaluation) from NYU.

Maria Elena Oliveri

Maria Elena Oliveri is an Associate Research Scientist at Educational Testing Service in Princeton, NJ in the area of Foundational and Validity Research. She has taught courses to student teachers in measurement and classroom assessment at the University of British Columbia, Canada. She earned her Ph.D. and Masters of Arts in measurement, evaluation and research methodology at the University of British Columbia. Her research focus is on cross-cultural and multi-lingual international assessments. In this area, she has published numerous journal articles and book chapters. She also has over 15 years of experience as a school counselor, special education teacher and classroom teacher instructing students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

Stephanie McKeown

Headshot_stephanie_thumbStephanie McKeown, MA (MERM), PhD (MERM; will be conferred on Nov. 19th) is director, UBC Okanagan Planning and Institutional Research. Her research interests include understanding how patterns of student behavior, student perceptions of their educational experiences and institutional structures are related to persistence, social and personal development and academic achievement.  Her current research is focused on the multilevel validity of inferences about higher educational quality based on aggregate student outcomes used to determine effectiveness/quality and areas for improvement.

Wolff-Michael Roth

Wolff-Michael Roth is Lansdowne Professor of applied cognitive science at the University of Victoria. His research is broadly concerned with knowing and learning across the life span, particularly on the cultural and linguistic aspects and in the domains of science and mathematics. His recent publications include Passibility: At the Limits of the Constructivist Metaphor (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2011) and Geometry as Objective Science in Elementary School Classrooms: Mathematics in the Flesh (New York: Routledge, 2011). He is fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science and the American Educational Research Association. He received an honorary doctorate from the University of Ioannina, Greece.

Dallie Sandilands

sandilandsDallie was a PhD candidate in Measurement Evaluation and Research Methodology (MERM) at the University of British Columbia. She completed her Masters Degree in MERM at UBC on the topic of score comparability across countries in large scale assessments using data from the Progress in Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). Dallie has two main areas of research interest:  the assessment of medical students and practicing physicians, and validity issues related to large-scale assessments and differential item functioning. In addition to working as a research assistant with Dr. Ercikan in the CARME lab, Dallie has varied work experience which includes many years working as a special education assistant with a local school district, as well as working with the UBC’s Faculty of Medicine Educational Assessment Unit as an Assessment Manager.  In addition, Dallie currently works with the Clinical Competence Program of BC.

Peter Seixas

Peter Seixas is Professor and Canada Research Chair in the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at the University of British Columbia, where he is the Director of the Centre for the Study of Historical Consciousness (www.cshc.ubc.ca). He taught high school social studies in Vancouver for 15 years and earned a Ph.D. in history from the University of California at Los Angeles. He is author of numerous articles in Canadian and international journals, editor of Theorizing Historical Consciousness (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004), and co-editor, with Peter Stearns and Sam Wineburg, of Knowing, Teaching and Learning History: National and International Perspectives (New York: NYU Press, 2000). http://cshc.ubc.ca/

Marielle Simon

Marielle Simon began her career as an elementary school teacher in Ontario. She later worked in the research departments of various School Boards in the Ottawa region. Her mandate as a professor at the Faculty of Education started in 1994 and she became full professor in 2004. Marielle received, as principal researcher or as co-researcher, funding for numerous research projects on topics related to classroom and large-scale assessment such as the assessment portfolio, the effects of reading and writing teaching practices on student achievement on large-scale assessments, teacher grading practices, student motivation on large-scale studies, validity of comparative assessment results from various linguistic versions, treatment of missing data in educational research and the development of a hybrid introspective data collection method based on rational criticism.

Guillermo Solano-Flores

Guillermo Solano-Flores is Associate Professor of Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language at the School of Education of the University of Colorado, Boulder. A psychometrician by formal training, he specializes in educational measurement, assessment development, and the linguistic and cultural issues that are relevant to both international test comparisons and the testing of linguistic minorities. His work focuses on the development of alternative, multidisciplinary approaches that address linguistic and cultural diversity in the development of tests and instructional materials in science and mathematics. As part of his research work, he develops psychometric and testing models that are consistent with current theories in sociolinguistics. He has conducted research on test translation, test localization, test review, the development of science and mathematics assessments for elementary schools, the construction of tools for generating science and mathematics tasks, the design of software for computer-assisted scoring, and the development of assessments for the certification of arts and science teachers. He is principal investigator in several NSF-funded projects that investigate the intersection of psychometrics and linguistics in the testing of linguistically diverse populations. He has provided advice to Latin American countries in their efforts to develop national assessment systems. Recent consultant activities include his participation in the development of the National Assessment of Educational Progress 2009 Science Framework, providing advice on strategies for the testing of linguistic minorities, and his work as a principal evaluator of English language development tests mandated by No Child Left Behind legislation.

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